5 Important Tips on How to Pass Your Driving Test



Not making a complete stop at a stop sign.

This is the most common mistake applicants make on the driving test, resulting in disqualification. The driving test’s primary purpose is to ensure you know how to drive without breaking road rules.

So you need to have a clear understanding of the road rules you are supposed to follow when you’re driving.

The law states that you must stop your vehicle completely before the crosswalk or the white line at any stop sign, regardless of the traffic condition. Some people think they must follow this traffic rule only if any other vehicle moves towards them. So they don’t follow this rule at some locations where there is no traffic. This is a misunderstanding, and you are breaking the law by doing so.

The area where you perform your driving test at the DMV may be isolated. It is most likely only you who is driving in the test course. So it is essential to follow the stop sign rule at every stop sign you pass during your driving test. Else you will automatically fail the test for breaking the law.

Not completing the three-point turn maneuver.

This is also a very common mistake people make during driving tests.
At the three-point turn maneuver, you are requested to pull your vehicle into the designated parking area marked by cones or flag poles. Since you are expected to park your car between those cones, you will fail the test if you hit any cone. Performing this maneuver, you demonstrate your ability to park your vehicle between two other cars in an actual parking place. So if you hit a cone, that tells the examiner that you will also hit a car if you are going to park at a parking place.

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We recommend you practice and become familiar with this maneuver multiple times before taking the driving test because it helps you pass your test and your daily life afterwards.

Tips to pass the three-point turn maneuver.

We can provide you with some tips that will help with your test. If you see on your side mirrors that you will hit any cones, we suggest you pull the vehicle out and fix the position before you go back in again. Remember that you will lose a point every time you pull out the vehicle. If you hit the cone, it will be an automatic fail. However, losing a point pulling out of the car is better than an automatic fail. That is why we recommend you lose a point.

One more tip to assist you is when you pull the vehicle out of the parking. Think like you are entering into an actual driveway from a parking lot. So a vehicle may be moving toward you at any moment. Then what should you do? You need to yield before you pull out.

You need to do the same process in your test as well. Check both sides for upcoming traffics before pulling out of the parking. Demonstrating this safe habit to your examiner that you constantly check traffic can minimize your risk of losing a point.

Most applicants fail the test since they cannot fix the car position before pulling into the parking slot. If you can set the car straight in front of the parking, you can easily back up between the cones making the wheel straight.

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How you can make sure that your car’s position is straight.

The most straightforward way is looking at the cones through your side mirrors. When you are in a straight position in front of the parking, you should be able to see your cones through each side mirror. Also, cones in each line would be seen as one corn through your mirrors when you come to the straight position. That’s the position you need before pulling the vehicle to the designated parking lot.

Figure out the position of your front wheels.

It would be difficult for novice drivers. You can do this small trick to bring your wheels straight without physically looking at them. Turn your steering wheel to the maximum point possible. It doesn’t matter which side you are turning it. Secondly, you can turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction in precisely one and a half circles. Now you have made your front wheels straight.

Once you complete your parking maneuver, you can bring your vehicle to the parking position and wait for further instruction from your examiner.

Since you are in the parking space, your examiner’s next instruction would be to pull out of the parking lot and drive ahead. If the instructor doesn’t tell you which direction to turn, you must check the road signs before you drive ahead.

The reason is that the driveway you pull out could be a one-way road.
We hope you get the point.

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